Visbuzz selected as a London Venture to help transform delivery of public services in London
By Steve McNulty on 07 13, 2015 in communityEYLondon Ventures
Visbuzz are excited to announce that we have been selected by EY, in partnership with London Councils to be part of their London Ventures programme. The London Ventures programme is an initiative designed to transform the delivery of public services in London. Developed and managed by EY in partnership with London Councils, the programme brings [...]

The Campaign to End Loneliness
By Steve McNulty on 06 29, 2015 in Activitiescommunityelderly
Are you passionate about reducing loneliness in later life? Do you enjoy informing and educating others, meeting new people and making new contacts? If so, why not become an Ambassador for the Campaign to End Loneliness? They are looking for people from across the UK to help us raise awareness about loneliness and what can be [...]

The Age of No Retirement Update
By Steve McNulty on 06 22, 2015 in elderlyThe Age of No Retirement
Destroying Age Barriers, Shattering Myths & Stereotypes. The Age of No Retirement in 2014 in London identified 27 ideas that needed further exploration if we are to change the narrative to a more positive view of living longer. At the people’s history museum in Manchester in April 2015, The Age of No Retirement took a [...]

Contact the Elderly: A Lifeline of Friendship
By Steve McNulty on 06 15, 2015 in communityelderlyHealth and Wellbeingloneliness
Contact the Elderly organise monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for people aged 75 and over, who live alone with little or no support from friends, family or statutory services. The afternoons are full of fun and laughter and make a real difference to the lives of their older guests. Supported by a network of volunteers, the [...]

What was it I came up here for?
By Steve McNulty on 06 08, 2015 in communicationDementiaelderlyHealth and Wellbeing
Many of us have those moments where you walk upstairs to get something, get to the landing and have no idea what it was you went upstairs for! We put the kettle on, get our favourite mug out ready for a nice cup of tea, only to come back into the kitchen an hour later [...]

Safety at Home
By Steve McNulty on 05 11, 2015 in elderlyHealth and Wellbeingindependent living
We all need to be aware of the potential dangers we can face while at home, and these dangers can be increased for those with limited mobility, sight or hearing. Ensuring that smoke detectors are installed can save lives in the event of a fire. Most Fire and Rescue departments in the UK offer free [...]

Accessible and fun days out in London
By Steve McNulty on 04 27, 2015 in ActivitiesAdventure
With Spring officially sprung, the sun shining (somewhere!) and the desire to perhaps venture outside…. you might be wondering where you can go for a fun day out. If you have a wheelchair user with you, or are a wheelchair yourself, use a guide dog or have restricted mobility, it is helpful to know in [...]

Age Friendly Cities
By Steve McNulty on 04 20, 2015 in communityHealth and Wellbeing
I recently visited a town which it seemed had been specifically built for cars, with pathways and crossings miles away from shop entrances, zig-zagging around dual carriage ways and roundabouts, requiring a much longer walk than a sensible a to b route. This article from The Guardian filled me hope that things are changing, and places [...]

Age Action Alliance Blog: The Age of No Retirement
By Steve McNulty on 04 13, 2015 in communityThe Age of No Retirement
Following on from the incredible success of ‘The Age of No Retirement?’ event at the OXO Tower Bargehouse in London on 1-2 October last year, ‘The Age of No Retirement?’ is visiting Manchester on 27-29 April. ‘The Age of No Retirement?’ is a live interactive forum that brings together the young and the old; the [...]

The Written Word
By Steve McNulty on 03 30, 2015 in Activitiescommunication
The art of communication has changed over the years and now a lot of it is done electronically, but is there anything better than receiving a handwritten card or letter in the post? There was a recent article in the press about a teacher who got his students, at the age of 14, to write [...]

Beat the Blues
By Steve McNulty on 03 23, 2015 in ActivitiesHealth and Wellbeingloneliness
There are many negative consequences of loneliness and isolation and one of these can be deterioration in our mental health and mental processes. A lack of social interaction and activity, and not taking an interest in our diet, can mean a decline in mood and mental wellness. Sometimes it can be the things we think [...]

Too much tech?
By Steve McNulty on 03 16, 2015 in Activitiesfamily and friendsHealth and Wellbeing
We here at Visbuzz love technology, and advocate for digital inclusion. We provide an extremely simple way for people who don’t use computers to make and receive video calls to and from their family, friends and health care professionals. Visbuzz can make a huge difference to the lives of people who use it, particularly if [...]

Keeping Active
By Steve McNulty on 03 09, 2015 in ActivitiesHealth and Wellbeing
Keeping active into older age is the key to staying fit, mobile, healthy and independent. Being active does not necessary mean getting down to the gym or attending your local keep fit class, although for some this is ideal. Being active can increase well-being and reduce social isolation. Here are some ideas for keeping active: [...]

NHS England News: Dementia Announcement
By Steve McNulty on 03 02, 2015 in communityDementia
We share a news article from NHS England: Original Article A new vision for dementia, announcement by the Prime Minister, has been welcomed by NHS England’s Clinical Director for Dementia Professor Alistair Burns. On Saturday 21st February, David Cameron announced the next phase of the government’s “challenge on dementia” programme. He pledged £300m of investment [...]

The benefits of owning a pet
By Steve McNulty on 02 23, 2015 in ActivitiesDogs
Owning a pet can be a great way to reduce loneliness and increase wellbeing. Pets make you feel loved and provide friendship. They can not only improve a person’s quality of life, but improve their health too. They have been shown to reduce the feelings of isolation and anxiety, and can lead to increased socialisation. [...]

We share the book blog from The Guardian: Where are all the grandparents in modern fiction?
By Steve McNulty on 02 16, 2015 in FictionGrandparentsMedia
Considering how important grandparents are in many modern families – plugging the gaps and picking up the pieces when the stresses and strains on working parents get too much – isn’t it surprising that we don’t find more of them in contemporary fiction? There is of course no shortage of memorable grandparents in children’s literature, [...]

Go on, set some goals.
By Steve McNulty on 02 09, 2015 in Adventuregoals
It can be difficult to sit and think about what we actually want from life, and it is sometimes easier to stay with what we know and within what we feel comfortable. Goal setting can be a personal way of helping you to realise where you want to go in life, and achieve the things [...]

Promising Approaches to Reducing Loneliness and Isolation in Later Life
By Steve McNulty on 02 02, 2015 in communityloneliness
On Monday 26th January, the Campaign to End Loneliness launched their brand new guide on what works to address loneliness in older age. ‘Loneliness is a bigger problem than simply an emotional experience. Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are harmful to our health: lacking social connections is a comparable risk factor for early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, [...]

The Age of No Retirement: Update
By Steve McNulty on 01 26, 2015 in ActivitiesThe Age of No Retirement
Barclays signs up as The Age of No Retirement’s first core member Barclays Bank is the first Core Corporate Partner of ‘The Age of No Retirement?’ movement. Next week they will begin working with Barclays to rethink, rework and act upon the one of the biggest social challenges facing Britain today. They will deliver impactful [...]

The January Blues: How to lift your mood.
By Steve McNulty on 01 19, 2015 in ActivitiesHealth and WellbeingResolution
The festive season is over, it’s back to work for some and it is still dark outside – no wonder January feels like the gloomiest month of the year. Add to that freezing weather, feelings of loneliness and failed resolutions, and it’s no surprise that lots of us are feeling out of sorts and low. [...]

Age Action Alliance: Ageing and growing old are not the same thing
By Steve McNulty on 01 12, 2015 in ActivitieselderlyHealth and Wellbeing
Old Age creeps up on you oh so stealthily then suddenly WHAM! – it hits you like a steam train. At first, we just notice we groan a bit as we get up (or down) from the chair – so tend to sit for longer; then we might huff and puff walking up the stairs [...]

10 tips to make your New Year’s resolution a success from NHS Choices
By Steve McNulty on 01 05, 2015 in ActivitiesResolution
Most of us will make a New Year’s resolution – maybe to lose weight, quit smoking or drink less – but only one in 10 of us will achieve our goal. Psychologists have found we’re more likely to succeed if we break our resolution into smaller goals that are specific, measurable and time-based. Professor Richard Wiseman, of the University [...]

Acts of Kindness
By Steve McNulty on 12 29, 2014 in communityelderlyloneliness
The festive period is a time when we are encouraged to think about those near to us who may need a little extra support, those who struggle to heat their homes, those who do not see anyone, those who struggle to feed themselves and their family. It is put on our hearts to help those less fortunate with [...] provides us with 10 fun tips for grandparents at Christmas
By Harriett on 12 22, 2014 in Activitiescommunicationfamily and friends
Christmas is a great time for families getting together and different generations bonding over wonderful traditions. However, for the generations with the biggest age gap it can be difficult to find common ground and for them to find an activity that they will both enjoy. Here’s a few ideas for when the dinner has been [...]

The Royal Voluntary Service: You’re invited for Christmas
By Steve McNulty on 12 15, 2014 in Activitieselderlyloneliness
No older person should spend Christmas Day alone if they don’t want to and that’s why this year The Royal Voluntary Service has joined forces with Community Christmas to help older people who’d otherwise be on their own to find a local event where they can share a celebration. Community Christmas is a one-stop-shop for older people, [...]

The new State Pension
The State Pension is changing. 1. Overview The new State Pension will be a regular payment from the government that you can claim if you reach State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016. You’ll be able to get the new State Pension if you’re eligible and: a man born on or after 6 April 1951 a woman [...]

The Age of No Retirement
By Steve McNulty on 12 01, 2014 in The Age of No Retirement
‘The Age of No Retirement?’ is a movement for social change – towards the creation of a society where every citizen has the skills, support and opportunities necessary to live a full, productive and fulfilling life. ‘The Age of No Retirement?’ event held at the OXO Bargehouse, London on 1-2 October 2014 identified 6 key [...]

Visbuzz shares a recent blog from Age UK: Older, not colder
Age UK Blog: Older, not colder The weather may still be relatively mild, but there’s no doubt that winter is just around the corner and for many older people, this is a huge worry. Age UK’s new research has found that 1 in 3 older people are concerned about keeping their home adequately warm this coming [...]

Dogs of war: the first aiders on four legs.
By Steve McNulty on 11 17, 2014 in DogsWar
During the First World War, the British Red Cross got lots of help from an unlikely quarter. At first, it sounds like a particularly far-fetched episode of Lassie. A dog, you say, carrying first aid supplies through the whizzing bombs and flying bullets of no man’s land? And all to reach and save wounded soldiers? [...]

Feeling under the weather campaign from the NHS
By Harriett on 11 10, 2014 in elderlyHealth and Wellbeing
Today we share a post from The NHS: Top doctors urge people not to store up health problems if “feeling under the weather” The NHS has launched its national public awareness campaign in a bid to persuade people to seek advice early from their local pharmacist if they are ‘feeling under the weather’. The campaign, [...]

Dell interview our own Steve McNulty
By Steve McNulty on 11 03, 2014 in Technology
Written by Jessica Hashemi Wednesday, 29 October 2014. Many businesses are born from a personal experience, usually a frustrating one. Steve McNulty was no different, he needed to find a way to communicate better with his mother who had zero-technology ability. He created Visbuzz, a one-touch communication platform that allows the elderly who may be [...]

Falling back with the clocks
By Steve McNulty on 10 27, 2014 in AdventureHealth and Wellbeing
On Sunday we saw the clocks go back. Some people will have stayed up later to take full advantage of the extra hour in bed, those with children (and dogs or cats!) will have had no change in routine at all and felt maybe a little cheated. Most of us will still be trying to figure out [...]

Arthritis Research UK Marketplace
By Harriett on 10 20, 2014 in Uncategorized
On Friday 17th October, Visbuzz were lucky enough to attend the Arthritis Research UK Marketplace. The event aimed to speed up the realisation of ideas and maximise the impact for people affected by arthritis, improving quality of life. Arthritis Research UK is the charity dedicated to stopping the devastating impact that arthritis has on people’s [...]

Stay fit and healthy this winter
It may be cold (and rainy!) outside but winter needn’t be the unhealthiest time of year for you and those around you. Here are five ways to make sure that even when your body is telling you to hibernate you can keep healthy and fit, no matter what the weather’s like: 1. Eliminate your sleep [...]

Be Prepared As The Seasons Change: What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
By Harriett on 10 06, 2014 in Health and Wellbeingmental health
Today, the weather has turned. We have been so lucky over the summer that the dark, wet weather we are usually so ready for comes as a bit of a surprise. We can hold onto the fact that summer was good to us, however as autumn turns onto winter, the days become shorter and many of us try [...]

The Age Of No Retirement? Visbuzz joins the debate.
By Steve McNulty on 09 29, 2014 in Activities
This week employers, policy makers, corporations (big and small), designers, artists, academics, inventors and social commentators will come together in a free event to explore the social and economic opportunities of a Britain in which the average person now lives. ‘The Age of No Retirement?‘ is a landmark event, a national debate about the opportunities [...]

Dell for Entrepreneurs
By Harriett on 09 22, 2014 in communicationTechnology
Dell for Entrepreneurs has announced its Founders 50 Fall 2014 cohort – the second class to join its Founders 50 initiative, and we are very happy to report that Visbuzz is included. We have been identified by Dell as a company to watch this autumn. Companies have been chosen based on their record of disrupting their [...]

Visbuzz and Dell
By Steve McNulty on 09 15, 2014 in communicationTechnology
Visbuzz has selected Dell to deliver our one-touch communication technology to the elderly, who may be isolated or suffer from restricted mobility. The software, available through the cloud on Dell tablets, offers a single-function tool to connect people quickly and efficiently with those who matter most, from family and friends to carers. In the UK, [...]

Staying in Touch
By Harriett on 09 08, 2014 in Activities
Last week marked the beginning of new stages of life for lots of children and young adults. New schools, new classes, new teachers, new friends, and with some people getting ready to start college and university, the mix of excitement and trepidation could be felt in the air. Parents watching children grow up faster and [...]

Playing in the woods.
By Harriett on 09 01, 2014 in ActivitiesAdventurecommunityfamily and friends
Today we share a post from The National Trust and their Outdoor Nation Blog posted on August 15, 2014. It’s not just children who need play, argues Fiona Harrower, Visitor Experience Manager at Hatfield Forest. Virtually all of my favourite childhood memories involve playing outdoors. Even now, when I’m meant to be grown-up, I still can’t [...]